Shipping & Returns

What are the delivery charges?

We charge flat delivery fee of Rs. 70/- on each order.

We use best packaging materials and ensure the product reaches safely to the customers. Flat Delivery charges of Rs. 70/- can be seen with the order summery while check out.

Why does the delivery date not correspond to the delivery timeline of X-Y business days?

It is possible that our courier partners have a holiday between the day your placed your order and the date of delivery, which is based on the timelines shown on the product page. In this case, we add a day to the estimated date. Some courier partners do not work on Sundays and this is factored in to the delivery dates.

What is the estimated delivery time?

We generally ship the items within the time specified on the product page. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.

Estimated delivery time depends on the destination to which you want the order shipped to as well.

Are there any hidden costs (sales tax, octroi etc) on items sold on NumisPoint?

There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on NumisPoint. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.

Delivery charges are not hidden charges and are charged (if at all) extra depending on the Product’s shipping policy.

Any further questions can be directed to [email protected]

I need to return an item, how do I arrange for a pick-up?

Returns are easy. Contact Us to initiate a return. You will receive a call explaining the process, once you have initiated a return.

Return Address

#86, Veera Pillai St
Sivanchetti Gardens, Bengaluru
Karnataka 560042
Ph: +91 99804 14695

Returned items must be accompanied by a copy of the receipt, indicating the type of return being done (exchange, store credit or refund).

Customers will assume responsibility for return shipping charges. NumisPoint will not assume responsibility for reimbursement or compensation of return packages lost in transit without proof of delivery to the NumisPoint returns office.

If all conditions are met, the original form of payment will be credited; if not, all items will be shipped back to the customer with an explanation. Customer incurs all shipping costs for all returned items.

Does NumisPoint deliver internationally?

As of now, NumisPoint doesn’t deliver items internationally.

You will be able to make your purchases on our site from anywhere in the world with credit/debit cards issued in India and some other countries, but please ensure the delivery address is in India.

As per the Law – Items older than 100 years can not be shipped out of India without prior permission of Archaeological Survey of India.